From the Spirit with Love

From the Spirit with Love

Jan 29, 2019

By Rev. Nate Crandall Spiritual gifts are not an optional part of the Christian life. They are essential tools which are given by God for the building up of His body. The New Testament describes spiritual gifts in three different places—Romans 12, 1 Corinthians 12, and Ephesians 4. The list of spiritual gifts found in 1 Corinthians further describes them as...

Your Vision

By Rob Appel Rarely will you start a trip without deciding first on a destination. However, most of us live life withoutever deciding on a destination. In 2010, my good friend Althea Rood was reading a book titled “Visioneering: God’s Blueprint for Developing and Maintaining Vision” by Andy Stanley. She was so inspired by the book that after she finished it she...

Submit Nominations for the Robe of Achievement and WISE Award

Submit Nominations for the Robe of Achievement and WISE Award

Jan 29, 2019

Submit Nominations for the Robe of Achievement and WISE Award The Recognitions committee of the Women’s Board would like to encourage you to submit your nominations for the Robe of Achievement or a Women In Service Everywhere Award. The purpose of the Robe of Achievement is to honor a woman who has had an influence or contributed “beyond the limits of her own...

Women’s Society

Women’s Society

Jan 29, 2019

By Katrina Goodrich Building Relationships Sometimes the best laid plans get put on hold or temporarily interrupted. There is truth in the old adage that man plans and God laughs. I am still intent on highlighting different community services and actions going on throughout our denomination this year. However, I had intended that those articles actually be...

Ethics, Theology, and Discipline of the First American Seventh Day Baptists

by Janet Thorngate Part 2 Fifth in a series of spinoff articles from recent research on the Newport, Rhode Island, Seventh Day Baptists1 The Newport Seventh Day Baptist covenant listed no tenets of faith. Once signed by the original seven, its pattern of commitment to a common faith walk and watchcare seemed to hold for generations, but very seldom were...