Submit Nominations for the Robe of Achievement and WISE Award

Submit Nominations for the Robe of Achievement and WISE Award

Jan 29, 2019

Submit Nominations for the Robe of Achievement and WISE Award

The Recognitions committee of the Women’s Board would like to encourage you to submit your nominations for the Robe of Achievement or a Women In Service Everywhere Award.

The purpose of the Robe of Achievement is to honor a woman who has had an influence or contributed “beyond the limits of her own community and church.” The purpose of the WISE award is to honor a woman who is working hard to reach others, serve others, and do it with humility.

We don’t want you to be inhibited by the form and all the information that is needed. Fill in what you know and don’t worry about the exact dates of activities if you don’t know them. This information can be secured later if your nominee is chosen for either of the awards.

The deadline for nominations is March 31, 2019. The forms are available on the Women’s Board webpage under the Recognitions tab at or by requesting a copy from Karen Payne by mail at 13528 595th Street, Claremont, MN 55924 or email at

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