Oct 23, 2019

By Isaac Floyd

I’ve been struggling to hear what God has been trying to say to me, and I can’t even remember for how long. It’s a thing everybody struggles with from time to time, but right now it just feels like He’s disappeared. I try to find the little things that might be Him speaking to me—like when I’m at work and I’ve had a rough day and some random person comes up and compliments me on how well I’m doing. I try to think about how God must have known I was struggling right then and put the right person in the right place to tell me that I’m doing okay. There was a while where I was sure that my dad was going to pass away from cancer. Luckily, God gave my dad strength and my dad is feeling better every single day. There are days where I feel like I’m all alone on this earth, but I try to remind myself of the blessings that I’m given every single day. I don’t get through every day alone, I get through the days with God by my side, even if I can’t see or feel Him. The hard days are just reminders that we’re nothing without the help of God. 2 Corinthians 12:10 says, “For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities. For when I am weak, then I am strong.” I’m going to try to remind myself of this verse, and how by being weak and asking for help from God, I’m actually strong by having an almighty God by my side.

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