The Beacon

The Beacon

Jun 26, 2019

Comfort Zone. Everyone has one, however big or small. I’d like to encourage you to step out of yours, especially at Conference this year. I feel as though this year’s General Conference is centered around doing things differently than before. The young people in the denomination are stepping out in faith this year—from preaching, to organizing different events, to helping with evening worship. So, join in on the fun! Get involved in something you haven’t before. Eat ice cream for breakfast. Do an act in the coffee house. Say “Hi” to someone new. Dance during evening worship. Raise your hands high. Offer to pray with someone. Ask for prayer if you need it. Sit with someone different during a meal. Get to know one of the kids, ask them about their time at Conference. There are so many ways to step out of your comfort zone, even during one week at Conference. I would encourage you to try it—and continue to throughout the rest of your year—because in order to spread the Gospel, you have to step out in faith.

—Holly Probasco

Shiloh Seventh Day Baptist Church

I’ve always looked forward to Conference every year. The laughter, the people, and the fun. But most importantly, so many people coming together for one purpose: Jesus. There are a lot of religious beliefs, but no other religion is like Christianity. Christianity is the only religion where you are saved, not by your works, but by grace. That is the unique kindness of Jesus Christ. There has been a lot that has happened in my life (and I’m not one to write paragraphs about what has happened—that’s not the point of this article). But if I’ve learned anything, it’s that I should never doubt my God. In the end, He has a plan, and that plan is in ordinance with His perfect will. Ephesians 2:10 says, “For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them.” Whatever those good works may be, whether I am prepared for them or they are for me, it is intended that I walk in them. I’m perfectly willing to do so, not because I want to try and work for my salvation, but because I already have it.

—Isaac Floyd

All Nations Seventh Day Baptist Church

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