Lost? Reaching Today’s Youth

Lost? Reaching Today’s Youth

Mar 20, 2019

By Bryan Baker

If You Build It They Will Come

Who remembers the old style of youth ministry? You know, the let’s start playing basketball in the park every Tuesday and use that as our way of outreach. That approach, while effective, kind of got thrown to the wayside a little bit in the last couple of decades. Then we got started down the path, and I’m sure we all know this one, of don’t forget, kids, bring a friend next week. While I’m not downing this way of outreach I feel it has led us down a path of lackadaisical ministry. I am not trying to talk down any church or group that is working towards youth outreach. I am just trying to see if we can rejuvenate or give this old style a punch in the arm. I’ve been praying and have had a couple ideas revealed to me. This is gonna sound familiar—I understand that—but I think that they’re such simple ideas that we kind of forget about them.

Find A Way To Be Involved

If there are members of your youth group, (or if members of your youth groups have friends) that don’t have positive role models, try to be one. This can take form in a variety of ways. Perhaps they don’t have anyone who comes and supports them at sporting events or hobbies they are involved in. Personally this one is my favorite—I can remember what it was like when someone I knew that wasn’t family came to an event. It makes you feel loved and it’s nice to know that people support you even when they don’t have to. One of the speakers at Multiply this year gave an example of this and how shocked he was to see someone there, as no one ever went to his games. Just showing up and supporting them and encouraging them could leave a lifelong impact—not just for your church and community but also God’s Kingdom! I have done this personally through my involvement with Camp Joy, part of the Appalachian Association. One of the campers that always had a special place in my heart, I took interest in his interests and through that helped him accept Jesus. When he decided to get baptized he asked me to be the one to baptize him. Let me tell you that was awesome and I had no idea I was making that kind of impact.

Be Involved More Than At Youth Group

I know, especially in our denomination, that most of us are not fortunate enough to be full- time youth leaders or youth pastors. We have jobs that we have to support our families and ourselves. Speaking of families, we have those to spend time with and to help grow spiritually as well. I’m not saying that if you’re a youth leader that’s all you should focus on, but we shouldn’t take it lightly either. Being a youth leader myself I’m not ashamed to say that I don’t always stay as involved as I should. Remember back in the old days when we had to send letters or emails just to get in touch with people, without having to spend long distance to call? I barely do as I’m 26; however, when I did receive mail it was almost like Christmas. So the idea here is to stay involved, not always face to face. Don’t be afraid to start that Facebook group or group text message—just stay in touch with the kids as they go through their week. You’d be surprised what kind of impact it could make.

My hope and prayer is that this will give us a not-so-new but a rejuvenated look at how we do youth ministry. I love the idea of growing the next generation of believers. It’s something that we should all feel proud about doing and something we can all take part in. Something about helping a young believer see the light is just so amazing. I encourage you all to go out and see if you can find yourself a Timothy, someone whom you can mentor and help in his Christian walk. You may even be the one who gets him to begin his walk. It may seem at times that you aren’t really making an impact but stay steadfast and keep the faith!

God Bless and may He bless us as we grow His kingdom.

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