Depending on God

Depending on God

Jan 29, 2019

By Rachael Osborn

For about 6 years I have struggled with mental illness. I have severe depression and anxiety. I’ve recently been struggling a lot more. I felt betrayed by God. I blamed Him for everything that had been happening. I felt like I was doing everything I could and it was so frustrating that nothing was getting better. I was doing everything my therapist was suggesting—taking the medicines my doctor prescribed and trying to exercise when I could. Nothing was working.

That’s when I realized that was just it. I was depending on myself. But I cannot fix it. I needed to lean on God and get His help. It was nothing I could do, not on my own anyways. Sure the new medications helped, but the biggest thing that changed my life around was the fact that I was leaning on God and depending on Him as opposed to myself.

I think we all do this sometimes. We depend on ourselves. We blame God. We try to fix it all ourselves. But we need to realize that God is the only one on whom we can depend. He is all-powerful. We are not.

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