Listening To God

Listening To God

Nov 26, 2018

By Becca Uhlich

Seattle Area SDB Church Auburn, WA

I want you to try to think of a time when you felt distanced from God—when it felt like you were trying to talk and there wasn’t anybody there responding, or even listening. I’ve been struggling with listening to God and finding the different ways He speaks to me recently, and I hadn’t even realized it. Once I noticed, I started thinking about the different ways that God was speaking to me, whether directly or indirectly, over the past month or so. Once I started thinking about it, it wasn’t that God wasn’t talking to me. It was that I wasn’t listening to what He was trying to say. I’ve realized how easy it is to stop listening because you think you’re too busy to take the time to listen—or not listen just because you’re not being given the answers you want when you want them. Matthew 7:24 (ESV) says, “Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock.” So, as you go throughout the rest of your day, make sure that you’re not just listening to what God is saying to you, but that you’re also following what He says.


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