The Best Way to Help Your Church

The Best Way to Help Your Church

May 25, 2018

One of the questions that I get frequently from people in congregations is, “What can I do to help my church?” While the answer can be specific to your local church, I am suggesting a few ways that you can be helpful to your local church and its ministry.

1. Regularly Attend and Participate: Don’t just come when you feel like it. Commit to that relationship with your church family. They miss you when you are not there. And don’t just show up. Participate with your worship, your service, your fellowship, and your giving. I can’t tell you how much that helps a church.

2. Learn How to Love the People in Your Church: Learn how they receive and understand your concern and care for them. If you are not sure, just your presence in a time of need is critical.

3. The Rest of the Week: Don’t just be a part of your church on the weekend. Visit with others and build relationships during the week as well.

4. Offer Solutions Not Problems: Your input and feed- back is always welcome but don’t just be critical. Help figure out ways to overcome the obstacles to ministry in your church.

5. Pray: Pray regularly for your church leaders and other members and ask that they pray for you. Share your concerns and praises. People want to celebrate how God answers prayers.

6. If You See a Need: If something needs to be done, do it. Those dishes are not going to wash themselves. The trash will need to be picked up. Replace the paper towels.

7. Listen to and Strive to Live Out the Sermon: Don’t just tell your pastor that he preached a great sermon. Live that sermon out. Talk about how your life has changed.

There are many other things that you can do to be helpful but honestly the bar is low. Be an encouragement and example to the rest of your church and jump in!


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