Put your money where your mouth is!

Put your money where your mouth is!

Apr 26, 2018

Rev. David Stall, Conference President

You’ve talked about coming to conference this year, and making that a priority.

Well, now it’s time to take action and commit! Registration forms are out! The biggest reason most people don’t make it to conference is money. It is expensive. Lots of things in your life cost money. The real issue is usually not money, but priorities.

Average monthly cable TV bill is over $100

Average monthly cell phone bill is over $100

Average monthly coffee expense for an adult in America is almost $100

So, don’t just sit there in front of your cable or satellite TV, scrolling through the blah blah blah on your smart phone, sipping on your overpriced coffee, and say that you wish you could afford to go to conference.

Less Talk. More Action.

For $440 you can register for conference and that includes ALL meals and lakeside lodging for a week.

Plus, you can be involved in ministry decisions, learning, socializing, worship, and inspiration among your SDB brothers and sisters.

Set this as a priority.

Fill out the registration. Make it happen.

I realize some can’t attend for other reasons. Let me know if I can help. I’ll call your boss! Or your spouse. Or parents. Teachers. Doctors. Whoever!

I don’t do Facebook and I only take complaints in person. If you wish to complain about this article or others, you will find me in Kenosha, WI in late July. That opportunity alone might be worth $440!

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