Living a life of comfort

Living a life of comfort

Mar 25, 2013

Living a life of comfort

by Katie Brown


       “Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.” —Philio


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This has been one of those months where a certain phrase or idea keeps coming to mind as I listen to sermons, read my Bible, pray and talk with fellow believers.

God is slowly revealing to me that even the most “put together” people have a “hard battle” that they are waging war against. It’s something I already knew in my head but it’s a fact that I conveniently forget when I get wrapped up in my own selfish world.

Yes, I pray for others in my life who are struggling, while at the same time I pray that God brings ME strength and comfort. I think too often we stop after a prayer and think there is nothing else we can do.

I mean, I can’t heal cancer. I can’t get them a job. I can’t bring peace. I can’t restore joy. Jesus does that.

The Body of Christ needs to remember the power we have and the real responsibility we have to comfort others.

“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all of our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.” (2 Corinthians 1:3-4)

Do you know the power of a kind word? A smiling face? A card in the mail? A hug of solidarity and friendship? These small gestures can make your day. And while these are wonderful expressions of love, just one gesture is not what was meant by, “Carry each other’s burdens and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” (Galatians 6:2)

True comfort is in Jesus. And a community of people pointing each other to Jesus while saying, “I am here for you the entire way” is Jesus working through us. We are here to grieve, to rejoice, to pray, to cry with each other through every season of life.

Again, this is not a new concept. We all know that it’s right, but do we get too embarrassed or nervous to carry it out? We may have a handful of friends who we would not be afraid to bombard with love and support, but what about the new members of your church or a neighbor of yours?

I’m not saying we should pry into everyone’s soul to find struggles, but if we lived a life that was actively encouraging the believers around us, then our life in the Body of Christ would be greatly enhanced.

As Christians we are a new people. We are family that should be there for each other and competing to outdo each other in honor. Our churches, our lives should be a witness of what living in the Body of Christ is all about.

I pray we become the comfort we want for others.

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